My second published story

… is available for you to read right now! It’s a harrowing sci-fi epic (in a little over 300 words) about survival and acceptance. This story found a home on Little Old Lady Comedy, a great humor site that publishes every weekday. Other favorites of mine from that site include A Historian Goes to TherapyContinue reading “My second published story”

My third published poem (+ bonus dog video)

New poem out! It’ll debut in White Stag Publishing’s SPIRIT Anthology, you can preorder here. It’s called “Walk the Breach.” Not only is it my first love poem in a book, it’s also my only poem to use undefined neologisms. If you like Lewis Carroll and Rumi, you’re certain to love my serpentine, heartfelt fusion.Continue reading “My third published poem (+ bonus dog video)”

My second published poem

… is available to read online! It’s called “Breathe,” and you can find it here. I could tell you what the poem’s about, but this quote from my acceptance email works as its own best advertisement: Although we publish very few poems by men, we liked this one quite a bit, and would be happyContinue reading “My second published poem”

My first published poem

… is coming to a magazine! You can preorder the issue now. See how many high-minded ideas I can cram into a 300-word Midwestern goodbye with my poem, “Look, I Can Explain.” VIBE Magazine (the acronym stands for ‘Violet Indigo Blue Etc.”) aims to break down preconceived notions about art and genre, which aligns theContinue reading “My first published poem”

Candidates Going Their Own Way (POTUSGTOW)

Onstage: CALLER on oneside, CITIZEN on the other.CALLER calls CITIZEN via cellphone. CITIZEN answers.   CITIZEN Yes? CALLER Hi! I’m a volunteer for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. Is this Sophie? CITIZEN Yes… CALLER Hi Sophie! Joe Biden provides sensible policies with a return to decency and sanity. Do you plan to vote for Biden, Harris,Continue reading “Candidates Going Their Own Way (POTUSGTOW)”